At University I studied Law & Business but somehow ended up in the hotel & catering field! Since leaving university I have worked as the Food & Beverage Manager at a prestigious venue in the Ribble Valley and more recently, as the Duty Manager of a Restaurant and Hotel. When the Simply Bows and Chair Covers opportunity came along I jumped at the chance to run my own business.
Having organised many a wedding and event in my former roles, I decided I wanted to work 'behind the scenes' of a wedding and focus my skills on one area. Simply Bows and Chair Covers seemed perfect! And of course, I eventually got to use my degree! Even from my initial research, I heard nothing but praise for the Simply Bows & Chairs Covers team and I knew it was something I wanted to be part of.
The main reason I enjoy working for myself is the freedom and independence. I am not tied down to set working hours. If a client wants to meet up during the day, evening or weekend I am free to do so. I have also made some great contacts and friends, and continue to do so every day. From a selfish perspective, I get to spend more time at home with my dog!
Apart from the main benefits of investing into a franchise, e.g. the proven business model and package, the major pluspoint is the support that is given from Sarah and the other franchisees. As one of the more recent franchisees, I have found their help and support to be endless. Everybody is in the same position and is more than happy to help you out.
I also love the nature of the work. It allows me to be participate in the industry I know and love, whilst bringing out my creative side. We encourage our clients to decide on a theme for their event, this then allows me to work towards creating something that they will love.
Whilst classic looks using black and ivory will always look elegant and tend to suit most venues decor, it can also be vamped up to give a look the wow factor! At the moment, I adore the vintage look, which is very on trend and easily put together using gold, ivory and black or mixed with hues of baby blue or dusky pink.
If I could dress a celebritys wedding, I would like to work with somebody who has lots of imagination, such as an author or writer. Imagine what fun you could have working with somebody who makes up stories for a living! Alternatively, celebrities like Victoria Beckham or Rihanna, who are known for their stylish and chic outfits would make great clients.
Contact Joanne at joanne@simplybowsandchaircovers.co.uk or on 07584 026981