Nicki Minaj has one of the prettiest faces in the music game. That makes it extra horrible that the rapper and singer got hit in the face last month — reportedly by her boyfriend. We now bring you the Nicki Minaj 911 call audio so you can hear what went down.
The most memorable part of the audio is Nicki Minaj yelling about how her face is hurt after the attack. Pictures in the following few days showed her with a swollen lip and a light bruise on her face.
Nicki Minaj’s boyfriend, Safaree Samuels, is allegedly the person who struck her. However, when police arrived and Nicki Minaj was treated for her facial injuries, she decided not to press charges.
If Safaree Samuels is a woman beater, Nicki Minaj needs to kick him to the curb. Here is the .
Nicki Minaj and Safaree Samuels - 911 Call Audio
Post from: EveryJoe
enclosure: audio/mpeg
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