Give those foolhardy Hollywood bigwigs a piece of your mind! This month – return to the grid in Tron 3
Tron: Legacy may not have been the box office busting, record breaking movie monster Disney were expecting, but it still raked in a whopping $399 million worldwide, which makes another return to the grid all but inevitable. And anyone who's watched the epilogue on the DVD knows the seeds have already been sewn for a sequel, with further reference to Cillian Murphy's Edward Dillinger Jr (seen briefly at the start of Legacy).
In spite of some mighty impressive effects and one of the best soundtracks of the year, Tron: Legacy had it's fair share problems – but nothing that can't be fixed by the SFX fourm's hive mind! So let us know what you'd like to see by posting on the forum, and the best of the bunch might just make it into a future issue.
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