The Sprint Motorola Photon 4G just came out, and Motorola presents it as being a “superphone”. Powered by an NVIDIA Tegra 2 dual-core system on a chip, it’s easy to understand why Motorola sees it that way. Despite having recent competition from Qualcomm, the chip still dominates many synthetic benchmarks. However, a smartphone is more than raw performance numbers: few people actually buy a smartphone based on that. Fortunately, the Photon 4G has more than just performance. Motorola gave it Webtop, a desktop-like environment that supports a full desktop Firefox browser. The Photon 4G has also been designed to be an efficient email and multimedia device. That’s great on paper, but how is it in the real world?
Motorola Photon 4G Review, By Ubergizmo. Top Stories : Xperia Play Review, Droid X2 Review,
Hubert Nguyen 02 Aug, 2011
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