Pictures: Central Park Zoo Peacock Escapes

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It’s usually a plot in children’s movies … but this happened in real life. A peacock who calls the Central Park Zoo home has escaped. The zoo simply says that the peacock wandered away. The bird is currently chilling on an apartment window on Fifth Avenue. Check out the Central Park Zoo peacock picture below to see what I mean.

The peacock on the loose in Manhattan already has a fan group. In fact, you can read updates on the Twitter account @CentralPeacock. The peacock Twitter account currently has 751 followers.

A spokesman for the Central Park Zoo says that they are hoping that the peacock simply decides to go back home. If that doesn’t happen, they will go after the peacock and try to capture it.

Here is the Central Park Zoo peacock picture:

Central Park Zoo Peacock picture

Central Park Zoo Peacock picture

Post from: EveryJoe

Kori Ellis 03 Aug, 2011

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