Kate Middleton recycled her Wardrobe in Zara Philips wedding functions ( Photos)

Kate Middleton is repeatedly recycling her clothing in the recent Zara Phillip wedding and Zara Philips Yacht party. In the first case it’s seen that she wore the same green silk Diane von Furstenberg Maja dress in the yacht party which took place in Scotland and being attended by many Royal guests ,this same kind of dress she already wore in Los angelos before . In Edinburgh, the dress been seen during the evening reception of Zara Philip and Her boyfriend Rugby player Mike Tindall. The dress is very famous for the delicate button which runs through the back.

But that’s not the end, again she recycled her Wardrobe when she was seen wearing the cream-colored coat, which already the Royal watchers say before long time back in 2006 at Laura Parker Bowles's wedding. Just in this time, something different she did and that is the headwear which is slightly different from the other.

Though critics believe that its not uncommon thing as its impossible for anybody to wear any kind of dress once only but yes the question is – of Royal Princesses, that’s the problem. Hope this time she will not going to repeat anymore and donate that to charity rather trying herself from her old collection.

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