Warners Bros Threatens Green Lantern Sequel

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The film may have stiffed at the box office, but the company is still musing about inflicting more out-of-control green screen on us

Here's a fact that may astound you. The Green Hornet has actually made more money at the worldwide box office than Green Lantern.

Honest guv.

Admittedly Green Lantern is still on release, and will clock up a few more hundred thousand dollars, but it's opened in all the major territories now. So with its haul currently standing at $147 million to Hornet's $227 million, Lantern is unlikely to ever to overtake its emerald rival.

And let's not even think about comparing budgets (cough – Lantern was $200 million – cough).

Despite all that, Warners Bros still isn't ruling out a Green Lantern sequel.

Warner Bros film group president Jeff Robinov tells The Los Angeles Times that, "we had a decent opening so we learned there is an audience. To go forward we need to make it a little edgier and darker with more emphasis on action…. And we have to find a way to balance the time the movie spends in space versus on Earth."

You have to wonder, though, if what he really meant to say was, "We spent so much money developing the CG technology for the first one, we might as well knock out a cheap follow-up to recoup some of the costs"? And what he really means by "balance" is "lots of Earth, not much (expensive) space".

On a more positive note, the Flash movie is still moving ahead with a script that Robinov describes as "solid". We'd be more excited if he described it as "good". What does solid mean? They're using the script to prop up a wonky table leg?

Dave Golder 03 Aug, 2011

Source: http://rss.feedsportal.com/c/32638/f/502574/s/17188258/l/0L0Ssfx0O0C20A110C0A80C0A20Cwarners0Ebros0Ethreatens0Egreen0Elantern0Esequel0C/story01.htm
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