Cameron Diaz was recently spotted in a yellow bikini in South Beach. Her body, as always, is amazing. However, there’s something fishy about it. Is Cameron Diaz on steroids?
I hope not but these pictures have me wondering. The amount of muscle tone in her upper arms and neck is unnatural looking — especially for a 38-year-old woman. There also something man-ish about her stomach and pelvic region.
If Cameron Diaz is on steroids, one would have to point the finger at her boyfriend Alex Rodriguez, who has admitted to taking steroids in the past. She has been dating Alex Rodriguez for about a year now and her body has gotten a lot more ripped. Is it a coincidence?
Check out these possible Cameron Diaz steroids pictures and judge for yourself:
Cameron Diaz on Steroids?
Cameron Diaz Steroids Pictures
Post from: EveryJoe
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