Yesterday, we talked about how Soulja Boy bought a private jet for $55 million. His private jet included $20 million in upgrades. So there’s no doubt that Soulja Boy has to be loaded, right? Let’s take a look.
Soulja Boy’s latest album, “The DeAndre Way”, was released last November. That album, despite some big name artists joining him in the booth, has been a huge flop. It currently has sold less than 100,000 copies. “The DeAndre Way” peaked at No. 90 on the U.S. Billboard 200.
Want a better way to judge how rich Soulja Boy is? Who better to judge than Forbes magazine. That publication claims that Soulja Boy made $7 million in 2010.
Judging by the success of “The DeAndre Way” and the Forbes report, there’s no way that Soulja Boy has enough money in the bank to purchase that $55 private jet. His album flopped and he didn’t have that much money to begin with. If he’s lucky, he could afford to put 10% down and get a generous payment plan.
The bottom line is that Soulja Boy is rich … but not that rich.
How rich is Soulja Boy?
Post from: EveryJoe
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