The Uganda Little League team won the Little League tournament in Africa and the Middle East to advance to the Little League World Series. However, when the Uganda Little League team tried to get their visas to enter the United States, the State Department found some issues. Specifically, they found that a number of the players on the Uganda Little League team lied about their ages.
To Uganda’s credit, their National Council of Sports vice chairman quickly reacted to the controversy.
Said Godfrey Mabirizi: “What happened shames our country and we should not encourage it. We are going to investigate and punish those involved.”
Players lying about their age isn’t knew to the Little League World Series. The most famous case was Danny Almonte, who starred in the 2001 Little League World Series. He pitched a no-hitter, a perfect game and struck out 62 out of the 72 batters he faced. However, it was later found out that Danny Almonte was two years older than his reported age. Danny Almonte, now 24, is currently an assistant baseball coach at the high school he attended in NYC.
Uganda Little League Team
Post from: EveryJoe
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