Pictures: Zara Phillips Royal Wedding

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Did you know there was another British royal wedding this weekend? Yeah, neither did I. But apparently Zara Phillips got marred to Mike Tindall. Zara Phillips is Queen Elizabeth II’s granddaughter. Mike Tindall is a rugby player in England. Check out the Zara Phillips pictures below from the royal wedding.

Zara Phillips’ royal wedding took place in Scotland at Canongate Kirk. In the pictures, Zara Phillips looks pretty hot. She’s not stunning … but she’s far from bad looking. Other hot chicks at the wedding include Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge and Princess Beatrice.

Here are the Zara Phillips pictures along with Duchess Catherine pictures and Princess Beatrice pictures:

Zara Phillips Wedding Pictures

Zara Phillips Wedding Pictures

Sexy Zara Phillips - Royal Wedding Zara Phillips

Sexy Zara Phillips - Royal Wedding Zara Phillips

Catherine at Zara Phillips Wedding

Catherine at Zara Phillips Wedding

Princess Beatrice at Zara Phillips Royal Wedding

Princess Beatrice Pictures from Zara Phillips Royal Wedding

Post from: EveryJoe

Stephen Kersey 31 Jul, 2011

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