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Julie Pacino is in the headlines today — and not for a good reason. The 21-year-old was busted for DUI in Manhattan on Friday night. Who is Julie Pacino? As you may have guessed, she’s Al Pacino’s daughter.
An up-and-coming film director, Julie Pacino is trying to follow in her father’s footsteps. Getting busted for driving drunk won’t help. Then again, who really knows when it comes to Hollywood.
Al Pacino has had a few run-ins with the law in his lifetime, so perhaps he’ll be able to relate with his daughter. At the very least, we know he’s entertaining when he’s mad.
Here are some Julie Pacino pictures featuring Al Pacino:
Julie Pacino
Julie Pacino pictures
Julie Pacino and Al Pacino
Post from: EveryJoe
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