Trina Grimes Scott made headlines recently by marrying former Louisiana governor Edwin Edwards. Why were people so interested? First of all, the two were pen pals while Edwin Edwards was locked away in federal prison on extortion and bribery charges. Secondly, Edwin Edwards is 84 years old, which Trina Grimes Scott is 32 years old.
You can see pictures of Trina Grimes Scott at the end of this entry.
The couple hasn’t stated how or why they became pen pals. However, they claim to be deeply in love. Their wedding, which was held at a hotel, included close friends and family.
Edwin Edwards has been married three times previously. He has a reputation of being a fun-loving guy with a great personality. Is Trina Grimes Scott a gold digger or is she truly in love with Edwin Edwards? I guess time will tell.
Here are the Trina Grimes Scott pictures:
Trina Grimes Scott pictures
Trina Grimes Scott and Edwin Edwards
Trina Grimes Scott
Post from: EveryJoe
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